Beyond Words®

Reflections on the Soul of Leadership

Written by Ruth Haley Barton, each reflection provides spiritual guidance and encouragement for those seeking to be in God for the world.

Epiphany – There and Back Again: An Unexpected Journey

By Ruth Haley Barton |

Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14;  Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12 Epiphany (Cycle C) and guidance for using the lectionary “Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” – Mary Oliver…

photo of a night sky reflecting on a still late with a sliver of sunrise peaking through the horizon.

Advent Week 3: A Time for Courage

By Adele Ahlberg Calhoun |

Lectionary Readings: Zephaniah 3:14-20; Isaiah 12:2-6; Philippians 4:4-7; Luke 3:7-18 Advent Calendar (Cycle C) and guidance for using the lectionary In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis…

Study highlights the fact that Christian leaders neglect self-care

By Ruth Haley Barton |

This article was linked in a recent eReflections, but we thought it was worth highlighting it here. Read the article…

A Blessing For One Who is Exhausted

By Ruth Haley Barton |

The Transforming Center exists to guide pastors and Christian leaders into life rhythms that will help them be healthy and…

paraglider and sunset over mountains

Praying with a Back-Up Plan

By Ruth Haley Barton |

“Cowardice keeps us ‘double minded’—hesitating between the world and God. In this hesitation, there is no true faith—faith remains an…

Let Me Live Grace-fully

By Ruth Haley Barton |

For many pastors and Christian leaders, the beginning of summer signals a change of pace (hopefully a slower one!) and…

Spiritual formation in the church must begin with the pastor.

How the Spiritual Formation of the Pastor Affects Spiritual Formation in the Congregation

By Ruth Haley Barton |

“It you attempt to act and do for others or for the world without deepening your own self-understanding, freedom, integrity…

Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation

By Ruth Haley Barton |

I remember the first time I noticed that some people arrange their lives to see sunsets.  It was summertime in…

Rocky lake floor seen through still water with quiet reflection of sunset.

A Powerful Model for Leadership Transformation: A Two-Year Experience of Spiritual Formation for Leaders

By Transforming Center |

Wheaton, IL–First there were 12. Then 25, then 38—and now 70. Those numbers testify to the quiet-but-steady growth of a…

Practicing Lent: Preparing for Holy Week

By Ruth Haley Barton |

Editor’s note: In this article, guest author Peter Giersch reflects on some of the oldest traditions of the Church for…


Pay attention to the soul of your leadership with a FREE series written by Ruth Haley Barton

  • Reflections written for spiritual leaders delivered over 4 weeks each Saturday morning
  • Includes guidance to listen to what your soul wants to say to God and what God wants to say to your soul
  • Every reflection includes a recording by Ruth that goes deeper into topic.
  • More