Season 4: Episode 1 | When Leaders Lose Their Souls
It was 10 years ago that Strengthening the Soul of your Leadership was published by InterVarsity Press. Last year we launched this podcast by the same name, and this year to celebrate the 10th anniversary InterVarsity released an expanded edition with a group experience and an assessment tool (check it out). Ruth and Steve will focus this podcast season on seeking God in the crucible of ministry. We kick off this episode by defining what the soul means and Ruth describes one of the clearest moments when she realized that she lost touch with her soul. Steve and Ruth discuss a biblical guide to help us pay attention to what is happening in our leadership and to own it. Along the way we discover why crucible is such a great word, and what and why a spiritual director is so important for a spiritual leader.
Listen to other episodes from Season 4 Access past podcast seasons
Mentioned in this episode:
Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership (Introduction and Chapters 1&2)
Spiritual Directors
Spiritual Direction and Meditation, Thomas Merton
The intro and outro music is “Kingdom Come” by Aaron Niequist
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Receive Beyond Words®, reflections on the soul of leadership. Written by Ruth Haley Barton, each reflection provides spiritual guidance and encouragement for those seeking to be in God for the world.
I only wish I would have learned this 20 years ago…but it’s never too late! Thank you!!
This truly resonates through me…. especially, “They left the ministry and are now selling real estate”…
Those words alone shine a light on my broken soul…
thank you
This is life changing!
Thank you. So restful and yet immensely challenging at the same time. Blessings
Thank you so much for this Pod Cast, this was truly a blessing.
I have been called into ministry; my husband is already a pastor and has been for 30 years. I am excited to listen to the rest of this series!
Just wanted to say thank you, especially loved your prayer