Beyond Words®

Reflections on the Soul of Leadership

Written by Ruth Haley Barton, each reflection provides spiritual guidance and encouragement for those seeking to be in God for the world.

Becoming More

The Future of Christian Spirituality: Part 5 | Profoundly Justice Oriented

By Ruth Haley Barton |

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It is not a huge leap to move from welcoming the stranger to caring for the stranger—being…

Becoming More

The Future of Christian Spirituality: Part 4 | A More Welcoming Stance from a Rooted Depth

By Ruth Haley Barton |

“I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” —Jesus As I journeyed with my desire and with a good spiritual director, something else was happening, too. Wrestling with my tradition…

A Spirituality of Racial Justice

Part 2: Lament that Leads to Justice: Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.’s Transforming Leadership

By Ruth Haley Barton |

“Where do we go from here—chaos or community?”  Martin Luther King, Jr. Lament is a spiritual practice that is more…

Group of people looking up at a starry night sky

Epiphany: When the Star Beckons

By Ruth Haley Barton |

Lectionary Readings for Epiphany: Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12 “They set out; and there ahead of…

Graphic illustration of a winding path heading towards a mountain chain with stars above in the night sky.

You are Made for More

By Ruth Haley Barton |

We’re made for more. And yet, the road between where we are and where we want to go can feel…

Advent: Waiting for the Light

By Ruth Haley Barton |

“God comes to us like the sun in the morning—when it is time.”—Carlo Carretto, The God Who Comes My favorite…

red and yellow flower growing next to a rusty beam

Finding Freedom Through Sabbath Resistance

By Ruth Haley Barton |

“If you aren’t resting, you are a slave to something.” – Adele Calhoun We tend to think of sabbath as…

sun beams bursting through dark clouds

Waking Up to the Gift of Sabbath

By Ruth Haley Barton |

“God gave us the Sabbath. Jesus taught us that we weren’t made for the Sabbath but that Sabbath was made…

Is This All There Is?

By Fritz Liedtke |

Dear Church, First of all: Thank you. Thank you for the gift of life. I grew up in you as…

Juneteenth: Celebrating the Good News of Freedom

By Transforming Center |

Where the Spirit of the Lord there is freedom. II Corinthians 3:17  Today as we mark the Juneteenth national holiday,…


Pay attention to the soul of your leadership with a FREE series written by Ruth Haley Barton

  • Reflections written for spiritual leaders delivered over 4 weeks each Saturday morning
  • Includes guidance to listen to what your soul wants to say to God and what God wants to say to your soul
  • Every reflection includes a recording by Ruth that goes deeper into topic.
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