Season 20: Episode 2 | Beyond Auto Pilot: Worship that is Spiritually Substantive
In today’s episode Aaron Niequist joins Ruth and Rory to discuss the practices that make up Transforming Worship. They discuss how Covid revealed just how little participation was required in most church services, the temptation leaders face to create emotional experiences rather than allow space for the Holy Spirit to do its work, and what’s wrong with how most of us pray in worship settings. This conversation is full of thoughtful dialogue and practical advice.
Aaron Niequist is a liturgist, writer, and pastor who recently graduated from General Theological Seminary in NYC. After leading worship at Mars Hill Church (Grand Rapids, MI) and Willow Creek Church (Barrington, IL), he created A New Liturgy – a collection of modern liturgical worship recordings. He then curated a discipleship-focused, formational, ecumenical, practice-based community at Willow Creek called “The Practice”. Aaron released a book called The Eternal Current: How a Practice-based Faith can Save us from Drowning, and continues to create resources to help others flesh it out. He currently serves at St Peter’s Episcopal Church in Chelsea and helps lead Pastors, Priests and Guides retreats around the country. The best part of his life is his wife Shauna, and their sons Henry and William. Aaronniequist.com
Rory Noland is the director of Heart of the Artist Ministries, an organization dedicated to serving artists in the church. He mentors worship leaders, speaks at churches and conferences, leads retreats for artists, and consults with churches in the areas of worship and the arts. Rory is also a trained spiritual director, a published songwriter and has authored five books, including the best-seller, The Heart of the Artist: A Character-Building Guide For You and Your Ministry Team. Rory earned a Doctoral Degree from the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies. He was part of TC2 and led worship for the The Transforming Center for fifteen years.
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Mentioned in the episode:
Transforming Worship: Planning and Leading Sunday Services as If Spiritual Formation Mattered by Rory Noland
All music in this episode is featured on the Transforming Resource, The Lord is In Our Midst CD
Music Credit:
Kingdom Come by Aaron Niequist
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