Season 19: Lent Week 1 | Confession: What We Have Done and What We Have Left Undone
This season we are focusing on justice as an aspect of spiritual formation and we believe Lent to be the perfect season to explore this connection. Using A Just Passion: A Six-Week Lenten Journey, and the lectionary, we will look at various aspects of justice, its importance to God and why the modern church has often regrettably failed to live out God’s call to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with the Lord.”
In week one, Ruth brings back Transforming Center team member Tina Harris, and guest Dominique DuBois Gilliard to look at the theme of confession. The three discuss the relational nature of justice, how our silence, inaction, and indifference to injustice breeds relational death, how our privilege can keep us disconnected from the pain of others and more.
Lectionary scripture for this week:
Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7
Psalm 32
Romans 5:12-19
Matthew 4:1-11
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Tina Harris is ordained in the United Methodist Church and holds a Master of Divinity from St. Paul School of Theology. She has served the church in a variety of roles, including Lead Pastor of Grand Avenue Temple UMC and Director of Mission, Service and Justice Ministries in the Missouri Conference of the United Methodist Church. Tina is passionate about community engagement and has served and/or actively supported several civic organizations and ministries. As an attorney and diversity leader, a common thread in her work is to gather individuals into communities, challenge comfort zones and invite those whom society has overlooked to take their place at the table.
Dominique DuBois Gilliard is the Director of Racial Righteousness and Reconciliation for the Love Mercy Do Justice(LMDJ) initiative of the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC). He is the author of Rethinking Incarceration: Advocating for Justice that Restores, and Subversive Witness: Scripture’s Call to Leverage Privilege. Dominique has served in pastoral ministry in Atlanta, Chicago, and Oakland as an ordained minister. Dominique earned an MDiv from North Park Theological Seminary, where he currently serves as an adjunct professor teaching courses in the fields of Christian ethics, theology, missiology, and reconciliation.
Journey with us this Lent! Our season is inspired by A Just Passion: A Six-Week Lenten Journey, and many of our guests are contributors to this resource.
Mentioned in this episode:
Rethinking Incarceration: Advocating for Justice that Restores by Dominique DuBois Gilliard
Subversive Witness: Scripture’s Call to Leverage Privilege by Dominique DuBois Gilliard
Music Credit:
Kingdom Come by Aaron Niequist
The Way of the Cross from Lent Music in Solitude
Support the podcast! This season, in addition to receiving overflow conversation from the episode, patrons at all levels will receive weekly reflection questions intended to help them journey through Lent with both the podcast and the resource A Just Passion! Become a patron today by visiting our Patreon page!
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This is an absolutely excellent podcast. I was so intrigued I missed a turn and had to run an extra mile. I am very much enjoying this series, along with the book, A Just Passion, an InterVarsity Lent devotional of essays by the ones Ruth has invited to this series of podcasts. Thank you for your good work.