Season 15: Lent Week 6 | Living Between Two Passions
We have arrived at Palm Sunday and this week Ruth and Steve discuss the disorienting swing the people create between hailing Jesus as King and calling for his crucifixion in a matter of days. It brought us to wonder, in what ways do we create our own agendas to put on Jesus, and how do we fall into the temptation to make Jesus the King we want him to be rather than allow ourselves to be challenged by the King he actually is? As we move into Holy Week, this conversation will challenge us to consider the ways we make Jesus into our own image and provide practices to combat that tendency.
Lectionary Readings for the sixth Sunday of Lent, Cycle C:
- Liturgy of the Palms: Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 • Luke 19:28-40
- Liturgy of the Passion: Isaiah 50:4-9a • Psalm 31:9-16 • Philippians 2:5-11 • Luke 22:14-23:56 or Luke 23:1-49
Join us for a VIRTUAL Stations of the Cross service on Friday, April 15 at 12 pm CST. Details and sign up here.
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Listen to other episodes from Season 15 Access past podcast seasons
Music Credit:
Kingdom Come by Aaron Niequist
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus from Lent Music In Solitude
Mentioned in the episode:
Jesus Before Christianity by Albert Nolan
What Every Christian Should Know About the Jewishness of Jesus by Rabbi Evan Moffic
(These were not mentioned in the episode but are excellent resources for studying the historical Jesus.)
Support the podcast! Patrons at the $10 level will receive a digital download of Ruth Haley Barton’s Lent: A Season of Returning. It includes Cycle C scriptures and space to journal your own thoughts and prayers. This season, $10 patrons will also receive guided spiritual practices, like the Lectio Divina and Examen, that correspond with each week’s episode. This week we will be providing some thoughts on challenging scripture passages about Jesus that we often dismiss and a lectio practice for one of those passages. Become a patron today by visiting our Patreon page!
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