Season 8: Week 5 | From Waiting to Wonder
Join us for this series of Advent and Christmastide reflections. The seasons of the church year are meant to teach us something about the spiritual life we need to learn. In fact, by entering into these seasons we experience the deeper dynamics and rhythms of the spiritual life by walking closely with Jesus and learning from him as we go. In this season of the Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership podcast, we are privileged to prepare and walk through the season of Advent together.
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Listen to other episodes from Season 8 Access past podcast seasons
Mentioned in this podcast:
Advent Reflections – Cycle A
Revised Common Lectionary
Living the Christian Year: Time to Inhabit the Story of God by Bobby Gross
Exploring Further:
Transforming Community
Ruth Haley Barton
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Music Credit:
Christmastide: Music in Solitude
Advent to Christmas by Page CXVI
The purpose of the Beyond Words blog is to offer helpful and hopeful content and conversation that strengthens the souls of leaders and the congregations and communities they serve. All comments are monitored and the TC reserves the right to delete those that are not consistent with this goal and purpose. Access our comments policy.
Join thousands of pastors and spiritual leaders
Receive Beyond Words®, reflections on the soul of leadership. Written by Ruth Haley Barton, each reflection provides spiritual guidance and encouragement for those seeking to be in God for the world.
Could you provide a copy of the reading “This is not true./this is true”??
Thank you so much for referencing “An Advent Credo” by Fr. Daniel Berrigan. It’s a wonderfully powerful piece that can bring us back to Advent and Christmastide when our minds wander.
Christ’s blessings to you this Advent and Christmastide.
I know this sound s strange. But I am a descendant of one of the many Barton families that are a part of our nation’s history. Through ancestry.com I learned of the deep spiritual heritage that is a part of this family line to which I am connected. In fact my great grandmother Mary Willie Barton, prayed for me before I was ever born and I never knew her. My calling is a direct answer to her prayers prayed long before I was born.. It’s a long amazing story but this branch of my family has a long Christian history. And the Barton descendants I have met are very spiritual. And that is a whole different story. I have been long been involved in Spiritual formation and taught prayer (Lectio, Examen, Centering, Praying Scripture, Prayer Walking etc.) in “The Longing for His Presence” Retreat system for about 9 years. Was trained in disciplines by a Quaker Pastor, a teacher of Spiritual formation Joe Roher, and greatly influenced by another Quaker writer Richard Foster. And I am a Baptist pastor. Lol. Anyway, I love your books and you write in the language of my heart. Thank you so much for your contribution to my life and spiritual growth. And who knows we might be distantly related. At this point I would not be surprised.
Blessings and Peace in Christ
Don Michael Sutton