Transforming Community® | 18

Retreat Dates

Retreat 1: February 20-22, 2022
Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership:  Invitation to Transforming Community

Retreat 2: May 15-17, 2022
A Leader's Journey into Solitude and Silence

Retreat 3: August 14-16, 2022
Prayer: Deepening Our Intimacy with God

Retreat 4: December 4-6, 2022
Engaging the Scriptures for Spiritual Transformation

Retreat 5: February 19-21, 2023
Flesh and Blood Spirituality: Honoring the Body as a Spiritual Practice


Retreat 6: May 21-23, 2023 (ends at 4pm)
Transformation through Self-Examination Self-Knowledge, and Confession

Retreat 7: August 13-15, 2023
The Art and Practice of Spiritual Discernment

Retreat 8: October 22-24, 2023
For the Sake of Others: Where Formation and Mission Meet

Retreat 9: February 11-13, 2024
A Rule of Life: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation

If you wish to bring a guest on retreat, please plan ahead as spaces are limited. In efforts to support current community members in their experience, the Transforming Center will wait until the 2nd retreat to open up guest spots to the public.

Community Member Information

Email reflections to no later than the Friday prior to the next retreat.

  • Format is important. Not everyone has the same software, so please save your file with the extension .doc (Word file).
  • Save/name the file: TC18, LAST NAME, RP (reflection paper)/retreat # you are writing about, and the date you are emailing the paper - EX: TC18JonesRP1May12
  • On the first page of your paper include only, 1) retreat name, 2) your name, 3) date submitted, and 4) list of required books that you read during the quarter.
  • The subject of your email should be the same as your document name – TC18JonesRP1May12 then attach your reflection paper to send.

Papers will be read by a reader assigned to you and emailed to you with a personal response intended to encourage you in what you are processing with God. The person who reads your paper will companion you for the two years and will keep things fully confidential.

Transforming Center®
Helpful Information


  • Community Coordinator (during retreats): 630-644-7681
  • Tina Harris (during the quarter):
  • Transforming Center: 630-588-8133
  • University of St. Mary of the Lake (USML) Front desk:  847-970-4908
  • USML Public Safety (24/7 and Emergency):  847-970-4815
  • TC18 Information located on our website at:


  • If you have a prayer need that you would like to share with our community intercessor, you may contact Jerry Lee at


  • Required reading list can be found in the During the Quarter handout in your folder (every retreat).
  • Recommended reading lists can also be found in the During the Quarter handout.
  • If you want to take a Transforming Resources or Required book to use during your solitude time, you may borrow it, then either return it by the end of the retreat or purchase it to take home. Books marked “Sample” are not for sale.


  • Retreat 1: February 20-22, 2022
    Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership: Invitation to Transforming Community 
  • Retreat 2: May 15-17, 2022
    A Leader's Journey into Solitude and Silence
  • Retreat 3: August 14-16, 2022
    Prayer: Deepening Our Intimacy with God 
  • Retreat 4: December 4-6, 2022
    Engaging the Scriptures for Spiritual Transformation
  • Retreat 5: February 19-21, 2023
    Flesh and Blood Spirituality: Honoring the Body as a Spiritual Discipline
  • Retreat 6: May 21-23, 2023 (ends at 4pm)
    Transformation through Self-Knowledge, Self-Examination and Confession
  • Retreat 7: August 13-15, 2023
    The Art and Practice of Spiritual Discernment
  • Retreat 8: October 22-24, 2023
    For the Sake of Others
  • Retreat 9: February 11-13, 2024
    A Rule of Life: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation



To extend your retreat either for more solitude or to simply make your travel easier is a wonderful idea!  The Transforming Center does not handle any arrangements for this personal time at USML - contact the USML Front Desk to make your individual reservation at (847) 970-4908.


There are opportunities connected with the 27-month Transforming Community beyond attendance and retreat participation presented on retreat. Prayerfully consider the opportunity God is drawing you to.  During the second retreat, you will have a chance to indicate a choice from the list below.

  • Earn the Transforming Center Certificate in Spiritual Transformation
  • Do not earn certificate; write reflection papers and have a reader to a companion you
  • No certificate; no reflection paper
  • Work toward graduate level program at Sioux Falls Seminary or Richmont Graduate University


  • Attend all 9 retreats (see below for information on making up a retreat)
  • Practice the disciplines presented on retreat during each quarter
  • Complete required readings
  • Complete and submit written assignments
  • Participate in group spiritual direction (assigned groups remain consistent throughout the two years)
  • Complete and submit final project that clearly outlines a personal rule of life
  • Engage in spiritual direction or spiritual friendship during the quarter
  • Complete and submit A Time for Noticing evaluation within 2 weeks of the final retreat (send to Transforming Center office by email or snail mail)


  • If you are interested in continuing education through the Transforming Community experience, 90 CEU's are available for the completed 27-month process. The cost for 90 CEU's is $450 ($50 per retreat). Continuing education credit will be awarded upon completion of the 9 retreats and the associated requirements (listed above in Certificate Requirements). To be awarded the CEU's, please contact with your intent and submit payment by check or online anytime prior to the end of the 7th retreat.


  • Once you have started your monthly payments, if you have any questions about your payment status, please email Haley Page at


  • Guests are more than welcome to come to any of the retreats, with the exception of the 5th (alumni only) and 9th retreats.
  • The Guest information button is located on the TC18 webpage (referenced above) just under the community dates or on the Transforming Community webpage.
  • Please have your guest complete the interest form before they make travel arrangements to make sure there is space for them to come.


Academic programs (when applicable) and Certificate in Spiritual Transformation

For those who have missed a retreat, in order to receive credit for the Certificate in Spiritual Transformation, CEUs from the Transforming Center, and/or an academic program, please follow the guidelines below.  Complete your make-up assignment preferably by the next attended retreat.  All make-up assignments must be submitted by the 8th retreat, in order to give yourself fully to the final assignment at the end of the two-year experience. 


  • If you have an emergency and cannot avoid missing a retreat, please email or call the office at 630-588-8133 so we can plan for your absence.  Please let us know as far in advance as possible.
  • Email the members of your small group (formed during the 2nd retreat) to let them know you will not be at the upcoming retreat. Share email addresses with your small group for this purpose.
  • Monthly payments will continue even if you are unable to come to a retreat. You will receive all materials and sessions from the retreat.


  • Finish all required readings 
  • Listen to any recorded teaching sessions that are made available after the retreat 
  • Set aside time to spend in solitude with the assignment given for the Monday afternoon solitude time
  • Write a 7-10 page paper* that describes: 1—your interactions with the teachings from the missed retreat, 2—your reflections on the required readings, and 3—your own experimentation and exploration of that retreat’s spiritual discipline.  Feel free to include places of resonance along with questions you have about the material presented in either the teaching sessions or the reading material. The paper is to be submitted to by the Friday before the next retreat (preferred) and before the 8th retreat at the latest.
  • Remember the goal of this assignment: to demonstrate your completion of the assigned readings and your practice of the disciplines taught and experienced at the retreat. 

*This takes the place of the usual 2-3 page paper.

To extend your retreat either for more solitude or to simply make your travel easier is a wonderful idea!

Contact the USML Front Desk to make your individual reservation at (847) 970-4908 (based on availability).

The Transforming Center does not handle any arrangements for this personal time at USML.

The cost for the Transforming Community experience is $7,965.00 (27 monthly installments of $295). Everything is included in the program cost except the registration fee, books, and travel.

We offer the following payment options:

  • Recurring payments via credit card or online banking system.  If you paid the registration fee online with a credit card and answered “yes” that you want to use this card to begin your monthly payments, we will begin those payments on the date you indicated. You will receive an emailed receipt when your first payment goes through. 
  • Company/church check mailed to Transforming Center to arrive monthly (if a church would like to pay the entire program in 1, 2 or 3 installments, that is acceptable).
  • Personal check sent monthly at the same time.
  • Crowdfunding: the goal is that you would raise the full cost of the 2-year experience before the start of the community.  If you are unable to raise the full amount, you agree to pay the difference.

All checks should be mailed to Transforming Center, 400 W. Roosevelt Rd.-Suite 100, Wheaton, IL 60187. 

If you have questions about your financial arrangements, please contact Haley Page, your community registrar at or 630-588-8133 ext. 311.

What is included in the fees?

  • Nine quarterly retreats, with a private room and bath for two nights at each retreat
  • Refreshments and meals, beginning with dinner on Sunday evening through breakfast on Tuesday (and lunch for an extended retreat)
  • Six teaching sessions at each retreat with guest presenters throughout
  • Fixed-hour prayer and worship experiences in community (morning, mid-day, evening and night)
  • Group Spiritual Direction with six or fewer members who will remain together throughout the two-year experience
  • Retreat materials (excluding books)
  • Reflections on the psychological dynamics of the spiritual formation process
  • Quarterly assignments that provide reading assignments, written reflections and guidance for practicing spiritual disciplines personally and in community, with specific application to your own life in leadership
  • Guidance for meeting with a spiritual friend/spiritual director in between retreats
  • Final project that guides you in the process of articulating your personal Rule of Life
  • Certificate in Spiritual Transformation. Certificates from the Transforming Center will be awarded at the end of the program to participants who complete all retreats, required readings and written assignments.


  • If you are going to miss a retreat please email or call Dalene Strieff at 630-588-8133,  ex: 303, so we can plan for your absence.
  • Please email the members of your small group to let them know you will not be at the upcoming retreat. Please share email addresses with your small group for this purpose only.
  • Monthly payments will continue even if you are unable to come to a retreat.
  • If you plan to earn credit from an academic institution or a Certificate in Spiritual Transformation, please read the information below.


For those who have missed a retreat, in order to receive credit for the Certificate in Spiritual Transformation and/or CEUs from the Transforming Center, you may make up the missed retreat via the written assignment below. Please complete your make-up assignment by the next attended retreat. All make-up assignments must be submitted by the 8th retreat, in order to give yourself fully to the final assignment at the end of the two-year experience.


  • Finish all required readings
  • Listen to any recorded teaching sessions that are made available after the retreat
  • Set aside time to spend in solitude with the assignment given
  • Write a 7-10 page paper that describes: 1—your interactions with the teachings from the missed retreat, 2—your reflections on the required readings, and 3—your own experimentation and exploration of that retreat’s spiritual discipline. Feel free to include places of resonance along with questions you have about the material presented in either the teaching sessions or the reading material.

Remember the goal of this assignment: to demonstrate your completion of the assigned readings and your practice of the disciplines taught and experienced at the retreat.

Recent Communication

A Tribute to Katherine

Mighty things come in small packages and that was Katherine until the end.

The irony of TC Spiritual Formation Groups is that you learn about someone’s greatest sorrows and deepest fears, but you miss other important details about their lives. You witness incredible vulnerability but never learn how your group spends a typical Saturday afternoon or their favorite ice cream.

As a group, we shared openly but we were unaware of Katherine’s obsession with HGTV until her memorial service where we learned that she not only consumed copious quantities of HGTV but was also trying to convince her husband, Dick, to purchase a fixer upper. Her love for renovation was something we might have found in common. From our few encounters it was clear that she advocated for neurodiverse individuals, but we were ignorant about the breadth of her accomplishments in the field, as she had earned her doctorate and was a published author. What a surprise the day of her death to see, “Dr. Katherine Koonce” splashed over the national news headlines, not the way we wanted to learn more about her. But we did as many articles and tributes flooded the internet rounding out her impact and great influence.

After our February retreat, we started a group Marco Polo thread. These recordings are priceless records of Katherine’s final months. In one of her first videos, Katherine had just watched The Chosen’s first episode. She recalled a plaque, gifted by a friend that read, "You are mine.” Those words had always bothered her due to past wounds. But as she watched Mary Magdalene’s miraculous deliverance from demons and mental illness, she heard Jesus’ words to Mary in a new way “You are mine” as he gently but powerfully delivered her from all that tormented her. To Katherine it was jarring, moving, as she pondered the scene and began to hear the words and Jesus differently. Another video featured Katherine remarking that she was running late and then she quipped, “What are they going to do, fire me?” Ah Katherine. She posted her final video on February 28th. At the end of the video, she pointed her camera towards her school, a picturesque building surrounded by trees and remarked at how pretty it all was, and we agreed.

Part of our grief has been coming to terms that we missed out. We missed out on fully knowing a bundle of energy that fought for the underdog, a person who tirelessly pursued emotional and spiritual health. A woman of excellence who inspired colleagues, students, and her community to keep fighting, growing and learning. A woman who would run toward unspeakable danger and risk all that she held dear for others.

We had a glimpse of Katherine, a moment in time that we treasure deeply, but was cut short.

Five days before her death, Katherine’s final text included a lament that she was drowning and trying to keep up. Since August she had been struggling with some significant health issues and juggling her demanding role as principal. When we discovered she had died, we felt tremendous pain and later gratitude that this accomplished, joyful, unstoppable woman was finally able to rest, perfectly complete, in Jesus’ perfect peace.

Katherine Tribute