The Transforming Center is pleased to offer a listing of spiritual directors* who have completed one or more of our two-year Transforming Community® experiences and have also completed a recognized training program in spiritual direction. Each listing indicates if the spiritual director offers in-person and/or remote (online or by phone) spiritual direction. Scheduling and fees for spiritual direction are determined entirely between the director and the directee.
Spiritual directors included in this directory will:
- Have completed a Transforming Community (TC);
- Have completed a recognized spiritual direction training program;
- Have at least two years of experience providing spiritual direction;
- Be faithful to spiritual direction and peer supervision in his/her own practice; and
- Abide by the ethical guidelines put forth by Spiritual Directors International. Click here to view.
*This listing is not an indication of the Transforming Center’s endorsement or recommendation of individual spiritual directors. What we are able to indicate is that each person listed has been on a significant spiritual journey with us and has completed training and formation in this important ministry of spiritual direction. The Transforming Center is not a certifying body but rather a spiritual community that affirms the ministry of spiritual direction in the lives of leaders and seeks to help leaders explore options with spiritual directors in their areas.
Spiritual Directors by State

Rory Noland (Madison, AL)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Christos
I have been involved in church ministry nearly all my life, mostly in megachurch settings, where I led and shepherded musicians and artists. I also have 8 years of experience in higher education as an instructor and administrator, which has fostered compassion and care for the unique challenges contained within the calling to higher education. My professional expertise lies in the areas of worship and the arts and for fifteen years, I had the privilege of leading worship in the Transforming Center after completing Transforming Community #2. As a published songwriter I have also authored five books, including The Heart of the Artist: A Character-Building Guide For You and Your Ministry Team and Transforming Worship: Planning and Leading Sunday Services As If Spiritual Formation Mattered. When serving as a spiritual director, I have a front row seat to see what God is doing in someone else’s life, and it’s always exciting to see how God is working. I consider it a great privilege to come alongside a brother or sister in Christ as their spiritual companion, helping them discern God’s voice in their lives.
Areas of interest or specialty: I have a heart for pastors, worship leaders, artists, and college administrators.

Sue Drake (Tucson, AZ)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Center Quest School of Spiritual Direction
Although grateful for my upbringing in a traditional church setting, it wasn't until I was underwater emotionally and spiritually that I realized I didn't have the deep roots of faith I needed to manage through life's challenges. The Transforming Center set me on a path of spiritual transformation, healing and growth that has helped me become a healthier Enneagram #2. Since being a part of TC (beginning with TC1), I have also been trained as a spiritual director. With those formal learning experiences as well as life experiences as a mother, grandmother, professional adult learning professional, 25-year business owner, one who has served the Church and other paraministries for all of my adult life as a lay volunteer, I have personally experienced and leaned on God through life's greatest decisions and difficulties. I'm so thankful for His love and guidance throughout my life so that I can now help and serve those God leads to me.
Areas of interest or specialty: I have a heart for mothers, grandmothers, women in the workplace, those caring for ill parents, lay people who serve regularly in their churches and with other paraministries, people in career and/or physical location transitions, those with physical challenges or disabilities.

Marla Hartman (Visalia, CA)
Remote and/or In-Person - Not accepting new directees at this time
Training: Tending the Holy - Christos Center for Spiritual Formation
My early experience was as part owner of a medium sized corporation but my heart wanted something different. When the business sold I shifted to something that aligned with my desire: a position on the church leadership team as well as head of the board finance committee with the local community foundation. Until then I didn’t understand the emotional and spiritual struggles of not-for-profit leadership and the toll it can take on your interior life. I hit a wall. Enter Transforming Community (TC9).
I have gratefully completed TC9, TC14, and spiritual director training. These days I companion those who find that their inner and outer life don’t match. Recognizing you cannot lean into the life you’re currently living is the greatest invitation to true alignment—pure grace.
I offer a safe affirming space to explore the “More” you may be longing for and I believe it is what God will provide.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: When church doesn’t work anymore; loss; struggles with being in community; physical pain or new diagnosis; questions of identity, and life or work transitions. I also believe the enneagram can teach us how to examine our lives more fully and come to terms with our unique design through humor and love.

Dawn Dishman (Erie, CO)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Listening People to Life - Sioux Falls Seminary
Working alongside my husband in a large parachurch ministry for 35 years, I understand the complexities of being married to a ministry leader while juggling my own ministry and other responsibilities. After experiencing a “dark night of the soul” season, I was drawn to TC14. Much like home improvement shows, I felt like the Lord did a total “flip” of my heart as I learned new ways to open my soul to the work of the Spirit. During TC, I felt an invitation from the Lord to pursue training in spiritual direction and theological training from Sioux Falls Seminary where I received my certificate of Spiritual Direction and Masters of Bible & Theology with an emphasis in Intercultural Studies. I understand a spiritual director to be a fellow companion, one whose role is not to direct, but walk alongside through prayer, listening, questions, and spiritual practices.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: I have experience working with missionaries, ministry leaders, spouses of ministry leaders, college students and young professionals, leading prayer retreats, discernment in transitions

Kathy Koy (Colorado)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Selah Program through Leadership Transformations
My Transforming Community experience truly transformed my life. I was a busy and driven registered nurse and director of a non-profit organization for many years when one day, I awakened enough to realize my soul was crying out for something more. After my first retreat in TC5, I turned in my 6-month resignation from the non-profit and began to attend to my soul. As I began to experience transformation, others noticed and asked what had happened. I began a spiritual direction group using Sacred Rhythms. It was life-changing for all of us, and we've been together for nine years. Since completing my spiritual direction training at Selah, I have hosted numerous day retreats in my home, provided group spiritual direction and one-to-one spiritual direction.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Contemplative spiritual direction, the Enneagram, inner-healing prayer.

Kim Nielsen (Colorado Springs, CO)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction
My passion is to create a safe space for people to experience God on their transformational journey. I served in full-time ministry at a megachurch for 11 years--an experience that heightened my sense of the value and necessity of spiritual direction for pastors and ministry leaders. I have companioned many pastors and ministry leaders.
I have completed multiple Transforming Communities since 2006 (TCs 3-8, 11 & 15) both as a participant and as a serving community member. I earned the Masters specialization in Spiritual Transformation through the partnership between Northern Seminary and Transforming Center. In addition to my training in spiritual direction, I am a trained companion for the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises and a certified iEnneagram Motions of the Soul practitioner. I am a Certified Forest Therapy Guide and have a Eco-Ministry Certification with Seminary of the Wild, helping people to Find the Sacred in Nature.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Working with Pastors, ministry workers; 19th Annotation of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises; the Enneagram; Eco-Ministry

Melissa Bailey-Kirk (FL)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Global Online Benedictine Spiritual Direction Program Benet Hill Monastery, Colorado Springs, CO
My relationship with God began before I had words to describe it. Having spent over 30 years in church leadership, as a layperson and clergyperson, I am aware that there are times that the church can become an obstacle to one's freedom to experience the fullness of God's Spirit and Grace.
Through my practice of spiritual direction, I seek to create space for God's Spirit to move freely, to be seen and heard. Grounded in principles of curiosity, non-judgement, and grace, I welcome into direction any person who sense a call toward deeper intimacy with the Divine.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Contemplative prayer, spiritual discernment, grief, life transitions, experiencing the presence of Spirit in every aspect of one's life

Jeanie Duncan (Osprey, FL)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Cristos
I have walked with Christ since I was a young teenager. I attended DePauw University and Wheaton College and have had a professional career in Education. I’ve been involved in various church ministries and Bible teaching. I made a shift from an “evangelical church “ to an Episcopañ Church 10 years ago and have been moved and excited by a community that desires to know God and experience more. I attended several communities at the Transforming Center, beginning with TC3, and worked as a Retreat Coordinator. I began spiritual direction while at the TC and have continued with the same director for 10 years. Because of my experience in education, the Transforming Center and spiritual direction, I felt an interest and a call to pursue being a director. I attended Cristos, an experience in which I grew in my faith and desire to be involved in hearing God and walking with others....

Kim Kargbo (Sanford, FL)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Phoenix School of Spiritual Direction
I found spiritual direction a number of years ago when I was going through a significant multi-faceted life crisis. Spiritual direction became a lifeline for my soul as I felt my way through that dark season. I then became a spiritual director so that I could offer that same support to other leaders - in crisis or just in their life's journey.
I have been in international ministry leadership for over 25 years. My passion is to come alongside leaders who are faithfully serving in hard places who are tired or seeking direction for their own soul's journey. I am particularly interested in walking with cross-cultural workers.
In addition to my full-time ministry, leading a missions organization exclusively focused on reaching people with disabilities with a wholistic Gospel, I also provide spiritual direction for ministry leaders and lead spiritual formation retreats for missionaries and ministry staff.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: I am particularly called to ministry leaders in senior-level positions (of nonprofit ministries) and cross-cultural workers. I am open to other directees as well.

Mike Murphy (Sarasota, FL)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Institute of Spiritual Companionship
I am a retired pastor who spent the bulk of my career in Chicago, serving as an Area Director of Young Life, as the Director of Spiritual Transformation for an inner city ministry, and as a teaching pastor at a large suburban church. I am married to Anita who is also a spiritual director. Both of us had been married previously and worked through the pain that accompanies that journey. We’re the better for doing that work. My Transforming Community experience (TC11) shaped me in very profound ways, reminding me that a very Good God loves me like crazy. I now live in Sarasota, FL where I’m active in a racial reconciliation ministry, teaching a bit at our church and offering spiritual direction. I love working with people who are undergoing a “faith shift” of some kind--often that’s when the ‘faith’ that they’ve held on to for so long appears a bit inadequate for the challenges they are facing today.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Pastors; those in transition or discerning a new call; discovering new practices when the old ones are no longer working; finding God in the ups and downs of life

Ruth Haley Barton (Wheaton, IL)
In-Person Only
Training: Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation
I have been engaged in the art and practice of spiritual direction for over 20 years. I gratefully acknowledge and incorporate the wisdom of my teachers/mentors Gerald May, Tilden Edwards, and Rosemary Dougherty, having been profoundly shaped by the ecumenical training environment they provided. "How do people change—really?" has been my question from the time I was being raised as a pastor’s kid in a conservative religious environment. This question emerged partly from my awareness of my own need to change and partly because of my observation that spiritual transformation is one of the most over-promised and under-delivered aspects of Christianity in its current expression. Encountering the richness of the broader Christian tradition in the midst of my own desire and disillusionment led me on a journey of reclaiming practices that spiritual seekers down through the ages have used to open themselves to God’s transforming work. It is my joy to guide leaders into spiritual practices that open us to the mystery of God’s transforming presence in the most intimate places of our lives.
I only consider directees who are able to meet in person. For the most part, I only work with leaders who have completed/are in the process of completing a Transforming Community experience.
Areas of specialty or interest: Transforming leadership; group spiritual direction; corporate leadership discernment with boards, elders, vestry and staff teams; Ignatian spirituality; integration of psychology and spirituality; sabbatical guidance

Holly Gallagher (Quincy, IL)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction
I am an imperfect follower of Jesus and I am passionate about creating spaces for compassionate listening and connecting with God. I consider Spiritual Direction to be a sacred space, one where we can slow down and be attentive to the presence of God. It is such a gift to sit with others as they encounter intimacy with God in a variety of ways.
I received my three-year certificate in Spiritual Direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction and I am a member of ESDA. I have served in a variety of ministry positions over the past 30 years and currently my heart is drawn to Spiritual Direction, Spiritual Formation, Soul Care and Retreats. I am an alum of TC17.
In my free time I love to spend time with family and friends, travel, walk and drink hot chocolate. I am available for direction via in-person, Zoom or FaceTime.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: My greatest area of interest is meeting with those who are seeking greater intimacy with God. I enjoy Contemplative practices and Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. I meet with men and women.

Lana Gentile (Vernon Hills, IL)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Tending the Holy – Christos Center for Spiritual Formation
I draw inspiration from the imagery of a caterpillar which, over time, emerges from a chrysalis a beautiful butterfly. I seek to create a chrysalis-like environment in which individuals can discover their intrinsic value in God and emerge as the transformed persons they are created to be. I love living in the light of Psalm 139, which promises that we are wonderfully made. I offers calm insight into challenging situations, enabling spiritual discernment to unfolding those who meet with remark that the peaceful presence safely supports the growth of their relationship with God. My experience includes 35 years in the corporate world and leading small groups and coaching small group leaders in the church. I also served as a reflection paper reader and a spiritual director for several Transforming Communities. I am an alum of TC4. I am married to Arnie and have two adult children and two grandchildren.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Enneagram work; life-mapping; honoring the body - health & wellness

Melanie Hammond Clark (Libertyville, IL)
Remote and/or In-Person
- Not accepting new directees at this time
Training: Christos Center for Spiritual Formation: "Tending the Holy" program
I served for over 30 years in pastoral ministry in the PC(USA), my last 14 years as a co-pastor with a focus on centering our life in being emotionally and spiritually healthy as a people, grounded in a discernment style of leadership. My favorite thing as a pastor was to spend time with people who were hungry, questioning, and wondering what God was up to in their lives. I began receiving spiritual direction in 1998 and knew this could be the next right thing for me after leaving the parish. And it is! Nothing brings me more joy than helping others experience God as available and accessible in fresh and unexpected ways, whether in the midst of change or growth or unwelcome darkness. It is a process as life-giving as breath...the breath of God at work in, among, and through us. I am an alum of TC4 and TC12.
Areas of specialty or interest: No specialty. At present, I like to have a free consultation for the first meeting to discern together if this is a fit, and, if not, to help a person discern who/what might be.

Vicki Howard (Wheaton, IL)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Tending the Holy – Christos Center for Spiritual Formation
I grew up in a farm community where church was the hub of my spiritual and community life. The church was conservative Christian in its teaching, with lots of "do's and don'ts," so I learned early to try to be very good so that God would be pleased with me. Though I stayed connected to church as I grew older, I so longed to experience more of God. God in His goodness, through a series of people and life experiences, led me to discover contemplative spirituality and practices that were part of the early church, which I did not know existed. As I experienced solitude, silence, lectio divina, centering prayer, and so much more, I came face-to-face with a God who loves me unconditionally just as I am—a God of grace, mercy, and compassion. I now journey in God's love as God shows the way! I am an alum of TC5.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: I do not specialize. I find the greatest joy in journeying with those who are serious about going deeper with God.

Sharon Krone (Chicagoland area, IL)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Loyola University Chicago, Institute of Pastoral Studies Arrupe Spiritual Digital Community, Internship in Giving the Spiritual Exercises, Fr. Bill Creed, SJ and Mr. Mark Blancke, SJ Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House, Advanced Seminar in Giving the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Fr. Bill Creed, SJ and Dr Lauren Schwer
I am a spiritual director and retreat facilitator formed in the Ignatian Spirituality tradition. I companion others who want to deepen their relationship with God. I am trained in giving the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola.
I have led spiritual formation groups through guided meditation and Lectio Divina, for over a decade. One passion of mine is accompanying people recovering from homelessness and addiction to encounter God’s love, hope and healing through spiritual retreats and weekly reflections offered through the Ignatian Spirituality Project.
I have a MS in Community Counseling with a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from Loyola University Chicago, a BA from Northwestern University. I studied giving the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius for 2 years through Arrupe Spiritual Digital Community and the Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat Center. I enjoy stand-up paddleboarding, mosaic arts, yoga practice, and perfecting homemade bone broth. My family and I host Northwestern University students through Bridge2Rwanda.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola in everyday life, Enneagram, Imaginative Contemplation, Recovery, Discernment

Jerry Lee (Woodstock, IL)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: CenterQuest
A crisis of faith in my early forties, where I questioned God’s basic goodness and love for me personally, launched a journey I continue to this day. I emerged from that initial darkness with the clarity that I was seen and loved by God, and with a certitude there was nothing I could do to make God love me more or make God love me less. That paradigm shift led me to The Transforming Center. I entered TC3 as a retreatant and have remained as a co-laborer and community member where my focus is intercession, spiritual hospitality, and small group facilitation.
My desire to respond to God’s unfolding within my everyday experiences has prompted lifelong learning, leading to a Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation, studies of the Enneagram with Jerome Wagner, and a cohort study of Spirituality for the Wisdom Years with Father Ron Rolheiser. While my studies have trained me as a spiritual director, life has prepared me to accompany others in the deep places. I live in northern Illinois with my kind husband of forty-four years.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: I am most alive when present to another as they engage God in questions and experiences that do not have easy answers. I am comfortable with life’s craziness, the tension of conflicting interests, shifting paradigms, aging and diminishment while always listening for God’s unique invitations to greater faith, hope and love. I am open to all genders and all traditions of faith.

Sachi Nakamura (Homewood, IL)
Remote and/or In-Person - Not accepting new directees at this time
Training: Tending the Holy – Christos Center for Spiritual Formation
I have been involved with a Japanese ministry called JCFN (Japanese Christian Fellowship Network) for over 30 years. I am a Christian book translator and writer by profession. I've translated books by Dallas Willard, Scot McKnight, NT Wright, Robert Mulholland, John Ortberg, Henry Cloud, and many more. My educational background is BA in psychology, and Ph. D. in cognitive psychology. Graduate of TC15. Over the last 20 years I've gone through a major faith transition. Thus I have a particular passion for accompanying those who are going through their faith transition, although all is welcome. Mother to four (one in heaven), wife to a geophysicist.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Transition of faith, Grief, Contemplative practices, Integration of science and Christian faith, Boundaries, Dark night. I mostly meet with Japanese directees.

Tim Nelson (Bourbonnais, IL)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Tending the Holy - Christos Center for Spiritual Formation
I was blessed to be raised in a Christian home that instilled in me some very strong values. As I moved through college and then on to my work in church music, college teaching, and mental health, I needed to work through some questions that had come up over the years. It was through the Transforming Communities (12,16) and a spiritual director that I discovered the freedom to be myself as a Christian. When our beliefs don’t line up the way they once did, spiritual direction can bring new perspective. For many years, encouraging pastors and church workers has been part of my ministry. I want to provide a safe and affirming place for anyone looking to re-discover their faith. Wherever you are on your journey, companioning you will be my privilege. God will lead us to places we could never imagine.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Pastors and ministry workers. Ignatian Spiritual Exercises.

Gina O’Brien (Lombard, IL)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: CenterQuest
After tirelessly working in a mega church for over a decade in my mid 20’s to late 30’s, I found myself in a place of not knowing who I truly was in God. The next number of years I began a deeper journey in spiritual formation. Feeling disillusioned with the church and with who I was in God, I was led to the Transforming Center where I was part of TC14. As my faith deconstructed, God then began to bring my true self forward and I’ve been on that journey ever since.
I see God’s unfolding goodness in my life in becoming a certified Reflexologist and completing the school of spiritual direction through CenterQuest. My desire is to companion others in living into their true self in God and co-creating life with God.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Contemplative practices, enneagram. I love being with others who are discovering their true self in God. My specialty is combining spiritual direction with Reflexology because I have seen the benefits that this can bring to the mind, body and soul. But I also offer spiritual direction alone.

Samuel Ogles (Glen Ellyn, IL)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Sacred Journey Spiritual Companioning
I say my faith was likely saved through spiritual direction. Now, as a spiritual director, I get to help others connect their stories to God’s story and provide a safe space for deeper insights and growth in their individual spiritual journeys. My goal is for spiritual directees to feel heard and accepted. In addition to being a certified spiritual director, I hold a certificate in contemplative spirituality from the The Living School for Action and Contemplation and care deeply about spiritual transformation. I have received direct in-person training in the Enneagram of Personality from Fr. Richard Rohr, Russ Hudson, and Christopher Heurtz, among others, as well as certification in the iEnneagram, an International Enneagram Association accredited training program by Clare and Scott Loughrige. I co-host the "Ask a Spiritual Director" podcast and write the "Enneathing You Need" newsletter. I was a member of TC16. My spiritual direction style is marked by my ecumenical, inquisitive, and nonjudgemental nature. With a wide range of experiences and training, I especially love walking with people in places and seasons where they feel alone, uncertain, stuck, or misunderstood.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Contemplative practices; spiritual growth, the Enneagram, levels of consciousness; ecumenism; meditation; connecting with God; sexuality; doubt; and changing religious beliefs/identity.

Charles Webber (Oak Brook, IL)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Chiara Center Spiritual Direction Training Program and Loyola University Seminars in Ignatian Formation 1
I spent my entire career as a professional physiologist on the faculty of Loyola University Chicago Medical Center (1975-2013). I taught and mentored medical students, graduate students, and advanced high school students. I also conducted scientific research on living systems using improvised mathematical tools in nonlinear dynamics. Concurrently I taught Bible classes in local churches, which I still do so to this day, fulfilling my distinct divine calling to teach science and Scripture. In 2006, I was enveloped by "the dark night of the senses" for a full six months. Confused, I was led to the Transforming Center experience (TC4) which was life-transforming to my very "dark" soul. Since first learning about spiritual direction, I have been under spiritual direction since 2010. After retiring from academia, my Christian journey led me to be trained as a spiritual director in the Franciscan tradition (2013-2015) and Jesuit tradition (2020-2022). I am currently being trained to lead the Ignatian 19th Annotation, Spiritual Exercises for Everyday Living (2022-2023).
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Integration of science and Christian faith

Steve Ebling (Indianapolis, IN)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Fall Creek Abbey
I pastored PC(USA) congregations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana for 37 years before stepping away from church ministry in the summer of 2022 to join the staff of Altar Fly Fishing. At Altar it is our passion to bring faith and fly fishing together into a common stream which we do by offering retreats focused on soul care around the country. My primary role with Altar is caring for pastors before, during, and after our retreats--spiritual direction is a piece of that care. I am an alum of TC 12, an experience that continues to shape my life and ministry. My wife Dianne and I live in Fishers, IN, where we delight in keeping track of our four children who live all over the country.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: I'm open to all, but I have a special interest in offering direction to pastors.

Randy Gooder (Indianapolis, IN)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Fall Creek Abbey
I have worked in missions, business and ministry through the years. I have been at Indy Vineyard Church for the last 20 years, having just transitioned from Sr. Pastor to Pastor of Teaching & Prayer. My M.Div is from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and my D.Min in Spiritual Formation from Northern Seminary in partnership with the Transforming Center (TC6). My wife, Jane, and I love the local church, have a passion for unity in the Body of Christ and to help pastors, leaders and academics walk in humility and grace. We take small groups on transformational journeys in the mountains of Northern Italy through our LLC, StandLookAskWalk. I am an adjunct professor at Anderson University in the area of Peace and Conflict Transformation. In my spare time, I love to read, walk, play racquet sports, dream with my wife and spend time with our children and grandchildren.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Open to all, but particular interest in pastors / men

Greg Krafft (Auburn, IN)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction
I came to Christ later in life at 30 years old and have been involved in the local church for over 27 years. I am currently the lead minister of Cedar Creek Church, a mid-size church in the Fort Wayne, Indiana, area. About 10 years ago, I started to feel something was missing; my soul was tired and bored. I was drawn to the Transforming Center, and through the Transforming Community (TC6, TC13) experience my soul was able to come back to life and drink deeply of the things of God. Doing the inner work that was prompted during the Transforming Community experience I was introduced to spiritual direction. For me, and I would say for many, spiritual direction has been the "missing link" to my transforming journey. When I do not receive direction on a regular basis, I can tell. My wife, Shelly, and I have three children and three grandchildren.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Walking with ministers and pastors, especially those who have a ministry as a second career; working with those in recovery

Ken Mentz (Carmel, IN)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Fall Creek Abbey
I grew up learning many things about God, but not so much about his tender love for me as his beloved son and image bearer.
Still, this knowledge launched me enthusiastically into full time professional ministry with a large organization. I loved the mission and deeply poured myself into it for many years.
Somewhere along the way, a desire for a more intimate love relationship with God, one that transcended strategy and performance, began to emerge. I thank God for leading me to the good work of the Transforming Center.
Appropriately, Ruth Haley Barton describes this work best, “Spiritual transformation is the process by which Christ is formed in us—for the glory of God, for the abundance of our own lives, and for the sake of others…”
Spiritual direction is my calling and passion. I’d be honored to listen, love, and assist you in your transformation journey.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Spiritual Direction and Spiritually Transformative Coaching

Sibyl Towner (Oldenburg, IN)
Remote and/or In-Person
- Not accepting new directees at this time
Training: Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction
I have had over 50 years of experience with extended household and pastoral leadership in a Presbyterian Church and at Willow Creek and had 30 years of leadership in Christian Camping. I have participated in TC2–TC6 and TC8–TC14 and have served as spiritual director for Transforming Communities for 14 years. I have also co-authored Listen To My Life. I teach Sustainable Faith's School of Spiritual Direction, am co-director of the Springs Retreat Center, and have a passion to help leaders identify the voice of God within them and to encourage a responsiveness to that voice. I am also knowledgeable in the Enneagram.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Men and women; those in ministry leadership; young leaders; people of color and ethnicity; people who serve on the margins

Allison Greenwald (Ames, IA)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Christos Center - Tending the Holy - Minneapolis
My focus in spiritual direction is helping others become more self-aware and God-aware. I provide a spacious space and listen with empathy as the directee processes their life experiences. Together, we bring the directee’s questions and hurts before God and wait for the Spirit’s gifts of wisdom and healing. We close by listening for God’s invitations.
In past years I served within the church and taught at a university. I completed spiritual direction training through Christos in Minneapolis in 2016. Accompanying others is my “sweet spot.” I lead weekend contemplative retreats 2-3 times a year (since 2012). My understanding and experience of spiritual formation grew by being part of TC18 (finished May 2024). Besides Barton, major influences are Willard, Comer, Benner, and Nouwen. I am also profoundly influenced by being a wife (39 years), mother of three and grandmother to eight.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Ignatius Spiritual Exercises, Enneagram, Discernment, Contemplative Practices, and Transitions. I often meet with people who have hit “a wall” of some sort and face a transition.

Katherine Dinsdale (Lawrence, KS)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Christos Center for Spiritual Formation, Lino Lakes, MN
Even in faith communities, people rarely talk openly about their struggles in the faith. As much as we tout prayer, my hunch is that most of us don’t—at least not as often and as deeply and as satisfyingly as Scripture promises possible. I like the idea of talking and praying and encouraging one another on the path.
I pursued the study of Spiritual Direction because I wanted to learn and grow in my own faith. I wanted to learn more about prayer and about how others throughout Christian history have experienced faith and prayer. I am still learning.
I can think of nothing more important than having the privilege of praying for and encouraging others in similar pursuit. My own Spiritual Director continues to tremendously bless my life and faith; it is my hope that I may now offer this gift to others. I am an alum of TC16.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Doubt, church woes, enneagram, trauma informed care, Ignatian spirituality

Michael Fox (Northeast Louisiana)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Cristos
My childhood dream was to play Major League Baseball. Only two things prevented me from pursuing a career in the sport at the highest level: talent and opportunity. So I trained for ministry, but used my considerable graphic design and writing skills to create and deliver training for individuals, churches, and industry throughout the country and beyond. I am an accomplished executive coach and spiritual director. I am passionate about leading people to greater relationship with God and neighbor. I believe the fundamental desire of God and man alike is to know and to be known. I believe the key to spiritual formation is defining your heart’s desire and being transformed by the Spirit heart, soul, mind, and strength— or, from the inside out. I am alum of TC6. My favorite authors include H. Nouwen, C.S. Lewis, R. Barton, R. Mulholland, D. Brenner, D. Willard, N.T. Wright, and C. Thompson.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Many years ago, as part of my offerings as an executive coach, I developed a unique, strong process to clarify Values, Vision, Voice. I've found the same curriculum to be very useful as a subtle structure underneath my spiritual direction. In addition, I work with clients to develop their relationship with God and neighbor, using a proprietary curriculum based on the two greatest commands. I’m also doing more and more work using the Enneagram (certified by the Loughriges). Also helpful is my training in MBTI. I love to work with directees around presence, in contrast to guilt/regret and fear/anxiety. Above all, directees feel heard and loved. I love to cultivate a sense of wonder around God.

Clare Loughrige (Marshall, MI)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Tending the Holy – Christos Center for Spiritual Formation
I am the founding co-lead pastor of Crossroads Church (Marshall, MI) since 1991. Author of three Enneagram books, I am a trainer with The International Enneagram Association and have developed a credentialed program that trains/certifies Enneagram instructors in the Christian Tradition. I am cited as a recommended Enneagram instructor with First Analysis Institute of Integrative Studies. In addition to my work with spiritual communities, I serve on boards in the arena of social justice, including board chair for Michigan Human Trafficking Task Force, a collaboration of over 130 agencies ranging from governmental to faith-based. I found myself at TC1 after a devastating diagnosis and discovered “strengthening the soul of my leadership” as healing grace. Now, 17 years later, in the Transforming Center community, I continue to practice my faith, believing action and contemplation are inextricably bound. I am gratefully married 38 years, an undaunted mom of four, and a grandma of five! I am an alum of the first Transforming Community and have also participated in TC3, TC4, and TC6 through TC14. I am passionate about helping people discover true-self patterns to establish and maintain spiritual rhythms so that they can do the work of justice with joy for the long-haul.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: The Enneagram; Ignatian spirituality; listening and discerning God's grace with clergy, helping professionals, and social justice activists

Kristin Evenson (Minneapolis - St. Paul, MN)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction
I have a BA in Religion and Psychology and have long devoted myself to both business and ministry. My career journey has included stints as a stockbroker, advertising executive, marketing/strategy director and consultant to companies, nonprofits and ministries in the areas of strategy, culture and board governance. I also served in ministry leadership roles and have developed content and curriculum for a variety of faith-related initiatives—including curriculum around business leadership and also Christ-centered generosity, both in partnership with the National Christian Foundation – Twin Cities. I have a deep desire to help strengthen and sustain the souls of leaders in fresh, new ways and have credentials at the intersection of neuroscience, Christ-centered mindfulness and creative prayer practices, having completed:
- The NeuroLeadership Institute’s Brain-Based Coaching Program
- Transforming Center 2-yr “Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership” experience (TC8)
- The Spiritual Direction training program through Sustainable Faith
Areas of interest or specialty: Business people desiring to integrate their faith with their work; career transitions - discernment; the intersection of neuroscience and contemplative practice

Linda Heaner (Minneapolis, MN)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction
I've invested my life in inviting others into deeper relationship with God, by serving on church staffs; freelance speaking, teaching, and writing; and since 2008, serving as director of Abiding Hope Ministries. I seek to provide a safe place for others to ask questions, wonder, doubt, notice, and expand their faith, as they grow in becoming who God designed them to be. It's an honor to accompany others on their spiritual journey! After experiencing burnout, TC8 gave me language for earlier personal encounters with Jesus in solitude and silence. It strengthened my recovery. I continued with TC11 for a deeper dive! I find great joy in listening to others, listening with them to God, and introducing spiritual practices that increase their awareness of God's activity in their lives.
Areas of interest or specialty: Women and men; women in ministry leadership; life transitions; those experiencing burnout; caregivers; inner healing prayer; can use Listen to My Life Maps in spiritual direction

Bill McKay (St. Louis, MO)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Sustainable Faith cohort led by Tim Reist in Peoria, Illinois.
I have been pursuing/pursued by Jesus since I was teenager. I trained as a Lutheran pastor out of a desire that God use me to help others find a transforming and freeing relationship with Jesus. For the past 18 years my wife and I have been part of a Vineyard congregation, and I served as a staff pastor there for five years. I was blessed to participate in Transforming Community 13. In 2018-2020 I trained as a spiritual director with Sustainable Faith. I've received spiritual direction for the past six years, and my director has helped me see that my spiritual journey is moving toward greater freedom in Jesus. I find great joy in journeying with others as a spiritual director.
Areas of interest or specialty: I'm interested in Ignatian spirituality and in pursuing additional training there. I completed the 19th Annotation of the spiritual exercises in 2020.

Hartley Wright (Columbia, MO)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction
I attended my first Transforming Community® retreat (TC4) as an invited guest. I have since experienced 56 additional retreats, where I have reconnected with my soul and found greater intimacy with God. My desire to know and experience more of God led me to transition from 25 years in pastoral ministry to embrace the richness of a broader Christian tradition and accept the calling of spiritual direction. I love to listen to others in the Spirit and help them pay attention to the activity of God in their lives. I currently serve as trustee for a non-profit charity, small-business owner, and professional playwright. I draw from my joyful, painful, traumatic and uplifting life experiences when writing for the stage and lean into what God is writing when listening to others’ life stories. I have two adult children with my wife, Kelly, who is also a TC alumna and spiritual director.
Areas of interest or specialty: Grief and loss; people who serve the disabled; people in the arts; survivors of spiritual abusive leadership

Kelly Wright (Columbia, MO)
Remote and/or In-Person
- Not accepting new directees at this time
Training: Sustainable Faith
Kelly has been a part of the Transforming Center for over 10 years (TC 5 , TC 8, and TC 15). She was a Christian counselor for 18 years and served as Associate Pastor at Woodcrest Chapel for six years. Recently, Kelly joined the Faith & Community Team at Veterans United Home Loans. She received her certification in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith and is certified as a trainer in the Enneagram. Kelly also completed her Doctorate in Ministry from Northern Seminary in 2017. Kelly has been married to Hartley for over twenty-five years and they have two incredible kids, Madison and Micah. The Wright’s live in Columbia, Missouri.
Areas of interest or specialty: As a licensed professional counselor for 21 years, my experience in both therapy and spiritual direction allows me to incorporate emotional health practices in Spiritual direction sessions. I am able to suggest therapy if needed. Also, I enjoy incorporating the Enneagram into sessions as God leads.

Alex Falder (Billings, MT)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Sustainable Faith - School of Spiritual Direction
After 23 years of ministry, both inside and outside the church, I have learned the most valuable thing in ministry is being present with Jesus and the people right in front of me. I am at my best when walking with people on a journey towards loving God and others better.
I teach a model of leadership and character growth by Dr John Townsend. I participated in TC13 and am currently a community pastor for TC19.
I live in Billings, Montana, with my wife of 22 years and my four kids. We love doing all things outdoors. I am particularly fond of catching a trout on a fly.
Areas of interest or specialty:
- Working with pastors and ministry leaders to care for their soul by building healthy and sustainable rhythms.
- Leadership and character development to meet the demands of life.
- Discernment of God‘s will.
- Working through a season of being spiritually stuck.
- Processing grief and loss.
- Enneagram work and Ignatian spiritual practices.

Patricia Stetson-Warning (Crawford, NE)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Seeking the Spirit Within: The Nebraska Synod Institute of Spiritual Direction Formation
I am an honorably retired pastor with PC (USA), previously serving as Solo Pastor at First Presbyterian in Gordon, NE, and as Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care and Education at United Presbyterian in Peoria, IL. Throughout my tenure as pastor I have been passionate for the work of spiritual transformation. My participation in Transforming Community #13 was a life and leadership altering season, growing me in the knowledge and benefit of Spiritual Direction. Now, fully trained as a Spiritual Director, I serve through the essential ministry of Spiritual Direction with my private practice: Pilgrimage toward Shalom Ministries. Additionally, for well over a decade I have been extremely passionate about the Enneagram and how it has been transformative in my life and in those to whom I have instructed. It is a grace that assists transforming persons to live more fully into who God has created us to be. In 2021, I became a Certified iEnneagram Motions of the Soul Practitioner with Clare Loughrige. I use this training in Spiritual Direction with directees who so desire. My practice is primarily focused on ministering with pastors, yet is not limited to pastors.
Further background: Healing ministries have been the focus of my vocational life. My first career was as a Registered Nurse for 32 years. I am also a Board Certified Clinical Chaplain with the Center for Spiritual Care and Pastoral Formation where I did most of my training with hospice care and grief. I also led Christian 12-step recovery ministry for 5 years. I am a graduate of University of Dubuque Theological Seminary and find delight serving on discernment committees for seminarians. In retirement, I live in rural Nebraska in the location of my immigrant great-grandparents assisting with care of the family homestead ranch. I am married with 3 adult children and 5 granddaughters. We love the outdoors, exploring, hiking, biking and gardening.
Areas of interest or specialty: The Enneagram, and working with pastors regarding discernment, forgiveness work, 12-step recovery, the journey toward wholeness, and contemplative practices.
North Carolina

David Hughes (Winston-Salem, NC)
Remote and/or In-Person -
Not accepting new directees at this time
Training: Hesychia School of Direction and the Apprentice Training Program of the Phoenix School of Spiritual Direction
I have served as a pastor for 37+ years, concluding my pastoral ministry at First Baptist Church, Winston-Salem, NC. In 2013, after attending and serving in several Transforming Community experiences, I became the Executive Director of the Transforming Center. Currently, I serve as the part-time Ambassador of the TC. I am married to Joani, and have three adult children, and two grandchildren. I have also received training to be a coach. My passion is to accompany church leaders and congregations in their journey to be spiritually formed and transformed in this most challenging era of the Christian church.
Areas of interest or specialty: Pastors. Church leaders. Non-profit leaders.

Joani Hughes (Winston-Salem, NC)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Sustainable Faith program, Oldenburg, IN.
I taught elementary school for twenty-four years. Following my first TC Community experience (TC5), I sensed a call to the ministry of listening. This led me to Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction. That time of training solidified in me a desire to actively pursue the role of director. I have facilitated Listen to my Life groups, have led retreats and serve as a Deacon in my local church. I continue to read and study Spiritual Formation and seek to remain faithful in my own formation and practices. My own spiritual direction is a necessary and on-going part of my walk with God and I am grateful to be a part of this type of ministry.
Areas of interest or specialty: I have found myself working primarily with women who are questioning long held spiritual beliefs which are no longer clear or relevant to them. Seeking God in difficult life situations including family changes, periods of dryness and loneliness and loss seems to be a frequent focus of direction. I am willing to meet with men or women.

Tim Reist (Monroe, NC)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Sustainable Faith
I have been a pastor for over 30 years and bi-vocational for the past 10. I have always had a heart to companion people in their journey with God. To see people be transformed into the image of Christ for the sake of others has got to be the most thrilling thing on the planet. I was part of TC 6 and it changed the trajectory of my ministry direction. To companion people, listen to them, and create space for God to fill has been a joy. I am a trained spiritual director and also a trainer of spiritual directors through Sustainable Faith. I lead contemplative journeys for people. I have been trained in the Enneagram by Jerry Wagner and completed Claire Loughridge iEnneagram certification. Been married to my wife Christy for 28 years, have 2 wonderful daughters. Love good conversation, good coffee, nature, and a good round of golf.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Enneagram integration. Companioning Pastors and church staff. Helping people in their transformative journey. Contemplative Retreats. Ignatian Discernment practices. Young Adults.

Tina Farist (Akron, OH)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: I received Narrative Focused Trauma Care Training through The Allender Center and my Spiritual Direction Certification through Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction.
Through my own stories of loss and grief, I have learned to sit with others without the need to fix or rescue them. I have learned to trust the Divine within each of us. My role as Spiritual Director is to offer care for the mind, body, soul and spirit by creating safe spaces for self-examination and connection with God. Together, we intentionally slow down and practice rhythms that invite one to notice God in their everyday life.
In our time together, I will guide us into compassionate self-care through breath awareness, prayer, silence, and mindfulness practices. I will bear witness to your story with honor and hold space as you discover God’s presence and movement throughout your life.
I continue to engage spiritual formation through TC 18 and TC 20 and offer soul care as a spiritual director and prayer counselor through Free to Be Ministries.
Areas of interest or specialty: I am a trauma informed Spiritual Director that offers care to all bodies, particularly the BIPOC population.

Connie Jeske (Tulsa, OK)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction
I am a retired Protestant pastor, involved in church ministry and leadership nearly 30 years. Besides spiritual direction, my journey has included experience as a nurse, counselor, and receiving my Doctor of Ministry with an urban emphasis, which eventually led to writing a book, “Who is My Neighbor? How Will I respond?” I am an alum of TC10, which was and continues to be transformative, along with Spiritual Direction. I have also participated in the Ignatian exercises. Offering spiritual direction is my sweet spot. I am humbled by the opportunity to companion people as they notice God’s presence in their daily walk. It is amazing to see how God works. Spiritual Direction is a sacred time to listen to a person’s story and see the movement of the Holy Spirit in their life.
Areas of interest or specialty: Pastors. Church leaders. Discernment in life transition.

Roger Sharp (Newberg, OR)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: George Fox University/Portland Seminary
I am a Pastor of nearly three decades who desires to create a safe space where you can seek spiritual direction and clarity.
My wife Mary Jo founded the non-profit ministry, Confident Christianity where I serve as the Executive Director.
A proud member of the indigenous Choctaw Tribe and a veteran of the US Air Force, I find great joy in honoring people, nature, country, and most of all God who sustains and loves.
For fun, Mary Jo and I jump at any chance to go on a hike, take in ocean and mountain views, as well as hang out with our daughter and her husband. Our visits to the Middle East, the UK, as well as New Zealand and Australia, highlight some of our favorite adventures. Our affinity with all things LOTR and Star Wars (we are OG’s afterall), dictate much of our conversation!
Areas of interest or specialty: Who pastors the pastor? Ignatian spirituality, spiritual but not religious, those hurt by the church (Includes pastors and families)

Daniele Evans (Lancaster, PA)
Remote only at this time
Training: Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction
I feel drawn to practicing spiritual direction with those in places of transition or struggle. My own experiences with trauma and loss support my desire to be a safe space for others. I am trained through Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, am a certified Enneagram coach, and completed training in strategies for trauma awareness and resiliency. My pastoral work for over 15 years includes writing and teaching Bible studies, speaking, and mentoring others in their faith journey. I support those desiring to explore and deepen their spiritual experience and open their story to transformation. I am an alum of TC13.
Areas of interest or specialty: The Enneagram; companioning ministry leaders and pastors; trauma-sensitive soul care; journaling/writing as a spiritual practice

B.J. Woodworth (Pittsburgh, PA)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Hesychia School of Spiritual Direction
After almost 30 years in campus ministry and church planting, I'm slowing down to invest in the interior lives of Christian leaders. I am a spiritual director, coach and retreat leader and also serve part time at East Liberty Presbyterian Church, as Director of Spiritual Life Ministries and Taize Minister. I seek to create and hold sacred space for others; helping them to awaken to God's presence, nurture their inner wisdom for the sake of their fruitful life and work in the world. I have a particular interest in accompanying people in professional/church ministry and the non-profit sector; helping them withdraw from the crowds and establish sacred patterns of rest, renewal, and reflection. I am married to Katrina and have 4 children in their late teens and early 20s. I am a church planting coach, have completed the Ignatian Exercises, teach at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in the Spiritual Formation Certificate Program, and currently serve on the Transforming Center board and as community pastor in TC15. I am an alum of TC5.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Working with leaders in professional and pastoral ministry, especially church planters; university students and young adults; discerning vocation and calling; developing spiritual practices and rhythms
South Carolina

Cynthia Fore (Travelers Rest, SC)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Tending the Holy – Christos Center for Spiritual Formation
I am a spiritual director, facilitator of contemplative retreats, and centering prayer workshop presenter for Contemplative Outreach. I am also trained in iEnneagram Motions of the Soul. I incorporate Ignatian spirituality in my individual direction sessions, as well as in retreat settings. While I continues my own spiritual transforming journey, I consider it an honor to accompany others toward wholeness, harmony, and balance—in relationship with God, self, and others. Perhaps diving into the transforming waters opens ways for us to swim around in the wonderings and mysteries of our Belovedness in Christ - so we wonder together! I am married to John and have three amazing children and two adorable grandsons. The little ones keep me in touch with my own childlike innocence. I am an alum of TC8.
Areas of interest or specialty: Walking with any person seeking spiritual transformation; Ignatian Spiritual Practices; the Enneagram; guided, contemplative retreats, either one-on-one or in community settings
South Dakota

Lin Van Hofwegen (Sioux Falls, SD)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Listening People to Life, Sioux Falls Seminary
I believe God is present and available in every moment of our lives and that Jesus daily invites us into the kingdom of heaven. The direction we seek is from the Holy Spirit and together we will listen for God's presence in your life.
A longing for knowledge drew me to seminary while working a demanding job in community development. Upon finishing my master's, I took a unit of CPE, which led to the Transforming Center. TC16 provided space for deep soul work and has been truly transformational. I have long been drawn to the spiritual practices that Christians down through the ages have used to open themselves to God's transforming work. TC16 gave me a framework of intentionality for the transformation I longed for.
Areas of interest or specialty: I meet with men and women of all ages in person and by zoom. I offer a free first meeting to discern together if this is a good fit. Many of my Directees are clergy and students of spiritual direction. I provide Spiritual Direction for individuals and groups as well as retreat facilitation. My non-profit experience also provides insight into the needs of staff and boards and I especially enjoy working with groups for the purpose of team-building.

B. Eric Rieger (Chattanooga, TN)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: The Metagem Institute
Eric Rieger is a Metagem Institute Certified Spiritual Director. He holds a Doctorate of Ministry from Northern Seminary in Spiritual Transformation and a Certificate in Spiritual Transformation from the Transforming Center in Chicago. Eric holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology. He is currently a faculty member of the Metagem Institute and an Adjunct Professor of Psychology at Chattanooga State Community College. Eric pastored in the United Methodist Church for 24 years; Eric is also a GBHEM endorsed Spiritual Director. Eric has a particular interest in working with 12-Step Spirituality, those in ACA & Codependency recovery, those with religious trauma and “church hurts”, “ex-vangelicals”, religious “nones and dones”, and those “deconstructing and reconstructing” their faith. Eric is a life-long learner who enjoys travel, backpacking, snorkeling, canoeing, and camping with his family. He is happily married to a United Methodist Clergywoman.
Areas of interest or specialty: I feel especially called to work with disillusioned and discouraged clergy persons. I also am called to work with those "deconstructing and reconstructing" their faith and those with "church hurts and church wounds." I work with "nones and dones." I love working with those in A & D and ACA recovery also.

Kelly Burnett (Houston, TX)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction
I lead workshops and retreats of all types with the Enneagram in marriage, parenting, and relationships. I love to share about pursuing freedom and SOULWELLness. I am the co-founder and president of SOULWELL Ministries. My passion is to help people break free from strongholds and defeated living. This passion was born out of a very painful and dysfunctional childhood. I am driven to see the reality of the peace and power of Christ empowering every Christian. Personally, I have witnessed this possibility in my own life, after being set free from a legacy of lies, pain, and worry and a lack of trust. I am a certified spiritual director and Enneagram life coach. I graduated with Honors from Texas A&M in speech communications and psychology. For over 20 years, I have been leading youth and women’s Bible studies and retreats and serving in the United Methodist Church as a Stephen Minister. Married to Rick, I have two college age children. I am an alum of TC10.
Areas of interest or specialty: The Enneagram; healing prayer

Chuck Gschwend (Fort Worth, TX)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Selah
I enjoy creating spacious environments for leaders to encounter the deeper waters of the Father's love whether that be through one-on-one Spiritual Direction or otherwise.
Vocationally, I am the Director of Spiritual Formation at The Eden Project.
Areas of interest or specialty: I enjoy working with both market place and ministry leaders. I spent many years doing each.

Daniel Harris (Midland, TX)
Remote and/or In-Person
- Not accepting new directees at this time
Training: CenterQuest School of Spiritual Direction
I am a former United Methodist pastor. I currently splits my time between ministry (especially spiritual direction, writing, and teaching) and running a family ranch business in West Texas. I enjoy accompanying others––particularly those involved in a Transforming Community experience. Most of my spiritual direction conversations are done by distance via Zoom and/or by written exchanges. I am an alum of TC4 and TC13.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Clergy/Pastors; the Enneagram; incorporating written reflections into the spiritual direction process

Deirdre LaNoue (Dallas, TX area)
Remote and/or In-Person - Not accepting new directees at this time
Training: George W. Truett Seminary (Baylor University)
I am a minister, teacher, and author who is passionate about helping people experience a transformative life with God. I have served in ministry roles in three churches in the areas of worship and spiritual formation. I have also taught on the faculty of two universities and three seminaries in the areas of Church History and Spiritual Formation.
My education includes a PhD in Religious Studies from Baylor University and certifications from the Renovaré Institute of International Christian Spiritual Formation as well as the Transforming Center in the area of Spiritual Formation. I received a certification in Spiritual Direction from George W. Truett Seminary in April 2021.
Some of the most influential people in my life have been Dallas Willard, Ruth Haley Barton, Richard Foster, and Henri Nouwen.

Linda Madeksho (Houston, TX)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Year 1 and Year 2 Sustainable Faith; Spiritual Direction Supervision Training 2022
Linda Madeksho has served in career parachurch ministry for almost 40 years. Much of that work was in the field of social justice and crisis intervention pioneering where she counseled individuals, organizations and facilitated groups in both the secular and religious communities. She has worked primarily in Texas and southern Africa.
During that time, she found that many in church leadership often reach a point in their spiritual journey where they feel unfulfilled. They are not in crisis but find they are seeking something that seems out of reach.
Her heart’s desire is to help others understand how God brings the extraordinary to their ordinary daily life. Individual direction with her will be spent in the presence of the Holy Spirit to look, listen, discern and move closer to the heart of God and the intentionality of his design for the individual. Spirtual Direction is a path to that understanding.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Inner Healing Prayer, Enneagram, Pastoral ministry, Ministry to serving and transitioning missionaries, Supervision of Spiritual Directors

Jan Sampeck (Plano, TX)
Remote and/or In-Person
- Not accepting new directees at this time
Training: Perkins School of Theology – Southern Methodist University
I recently retired from over 20 years as a pastor on staff at Chase Oaks Church in Plano, TX to begin a new ministry venture with my husband. I am married with four children, six grandchildren and English Springer Spaniel "Tucker", which bring me great love, laughter, and joy. A milestone moment in my spiritual formation journey was Transforming Community 5 in 2010. Though a rich experience, the years following the completion of that Community raised a desire for a more intentional spiritual journey as a married couple. We both entered TC12 and engaged that community as individuals and as a couple. While I was in TC12, I also enrolled in certification for Spiritual Direction at Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. I completed my coursework and practicum in 2017. Accompanying others in their spiritual journeys is a gift of God's grace in my life.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Creatives in ministry; visio divina; honoring the body

David Sandel (Austin, TX)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Chiara Center Spiritual Direction Training Program
I have been a counselor and campus minister in Urbana, Illinois, since 1989 and a spiritual director since 2013, seeking God with students, professors, pastors, believers, and non-believers. Growing up Lutheran on a central Illinois dairy farm, I left for college and a decade of other adventures, then returned to my roots. I and my mother both graduated with degrees in counseling on Mother's Day, 1980. My wife, Margaret, and I attended courses with Equipping Ministries International in Cincinnati, Ohio, which continue to shape my work. After two years in the Unification Church and 20 years in the Vineyard, I am ordained in the Church of Christ. I am an alum of Transforming Community #6. I write devotions, play guitar, raise chickens, and love to work with men and women who want to seek God in all things.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: The Ignatian Exercises; the Enneagram; Myers-Briggs assessments and spirituality; exploring imagination and creativity as ways of approaching God; listening and dialoguing with God; rest-Sabbath-prayer; communication and appreciation between generations; "giving your life away," aging, and "giving your death away" (Ronald Rolheiser's words); and experimenting with life, with ways of seeking and avoiding God

Elizabeth Long (Deer Harbor, WA)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Apprenticeship Training Program of the Phoenix School of Spiritual Direction
Healing from my own trauma and loss in mid-life, God birthed a desire to come alongside fellow sufferers, holding hope until my companion is able. As a lay pastor to the bereaved and a professional counselor, I found myself drawn to those who long for spiritual, emotional, and relational health. In the transition to spiritual direction the same dynamic holds true: I find myself drawn to companion those who seek health and wholeness with God, regardless of their current experience with the Divine. Very few moments give me greater joy than to discover together the ongoing mysterious presence of a loving God in one's life.
Graduate training, a volunteer pastoral position, my profession as a therapist, my membership in TC12 and TC15, and a certificate in Enneagram Studies led to an Apprenticeship Training Program with Teresa Blythe in the evocative style of direction. These equipped me, but the bumps and bruises in life grew me as a spiritual director.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: I am open and affirming of anyone seeking personal transformation and wholeness; navigating the numerous transitions life presents; and providing a safe place for leaders to explore their truest self.

David Acierno (Platteville, WI)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Masters Degree in Spiritual Formation & Spiritual Direction from Richmont Graduate University
After almost 30 years of campus ministry and leading an international non-profit, I felt like a burnt crouton! Participating in TC17 was not only a transformative experience but literally a lifesaver. With a significant internal reset God has been opening new opportunities of service primarily through being available and companioning alongside others. I believe that God is present and active in our daily life in a multitude of ways (often unnoticed). Through conversation and listening in a trusting relationship, I hope to offer a safe place to explore God’s presence and activity in your life.
Areas of Interest or Specialty: While no specific specialty, I have personal experience with non-profit and ministry leaders, clergy, am a parent of a LGBTQ+ child, also a special needs child, and am exploring the post-evangelical space.

Bill Shereos (Southeast WI)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: The Jesuit Community at Loyola University in Chicago
Walking with those who desire a more intimate walk with the Lord is a sacred and profound privilege. My passion for spiritual direction was birthed in the early 90s during a personal and professional crisis. When the crisis abated, I continued seeing a spiritual director. Almost a decade later, I transitioned to a church in Chicago, and for my tenure of seventeen years, was under the direction of Father Bill Creed SJ. Seeing a director remains a part of my spiritual rhythm. And now as a director, I participate in a monthly peer supervision group.
I retired in 2017 after serving three churches as senior pastor over a period of 40 years. In addition to receiving an M Div & DM from Trinity International University, my ministry has been informed by study at the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center, where I studied principles of peace making, family systems and healthy congregational life. In 2023 I completed TC17.
You can learn more about my practice of spiritual direction at
Areas of Interest or Specialty: Pastors and church leaders.
Spiritual Directors Outside the United States
British Columbia, Canada

Gerard Booy (Delta, BC)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: CenterQuest School of Spiritual Direction
I am a former Presbyterian pastor. I grew up in South Africa and moved with my family to Canada in 2000. Having been a pastor since 1990—serving in three churches on two continents—I now offer spiritual direction for individuals and groups. I lead retreats and work with CenterQuest School of Spiritual Direction as a small group mentor. Reading Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership and subsequently joining a Transforming Community (TC10) has been a turning point in my life. My formation as a spiritual director has taken a lifetime (really!). It is the gathering of many years of lived experiences with God and with others—personal and pastoral, painful and joyful, informal and formal. And it continues… The means of grace abound—loved ones, soul friends, intentional communities of transformation, contemplative practices, books, Scripture, formal training, spiritual direction, and more.
Areas of interest or specialty: Personal spiritual transformation and wholeness (embracing who God has made us to be); companioning pastors and ministry leaders; liminal spaces and transitional experiences in life (grief etc.); retreats; group spiritual direction; vocational discernment
Saskatchewan, Canada

Dianne Mantyka (Saskatoon, SK)
Remote and/or In-Person
Training: Spiritual Director Formation Program at Queen's House Retreat and Renewal Center.
I love companioning those on their path to freedom with self, God, others, and nature. I bring gentleness with compassion and deep listening, believing God is always making all things new as we attentively surrender to
Christ’s presence being revealed amid life’s celebrations, losses, transitions, and challenges.
Through Queen’s House Retreat and Renewal Center, I offer spiritual direction, silent directed retreats, the Ignatian Exercises, supervision for spiritual directors (, and have co-led three cohorts through their Spiritual Director Formation Program. My ecumenical and intercultural experience allows me to connect with a variety of backgrounds.
I grew up on the prairies in a Dutch Immigrant Community. Studies in Biological Sciences led to employment in animal health and research, and 18 years of life in Vancouver, BC, with mission work in Mexico for 3 years, followed by 19 years of campus ministry and part-time theological studies. Marriage brought me back to Saskatoon where I continued campus ministry. Having received Spiritual Direction Formation training from Queen’s House and my Master of Divinity from Regent College, I transitioned into spiritual direction, formation, and retreat ministry. Formation and training continued with Clinical Pastoral Education, Inner Healing Prayer Counseling,
Ignatian Spirituality, Contemplative Prayer, Joyce Rupp’s Boundless Compassion, SDI workshops, Transforming Community 15, and a Doctor of Ministry from Kairos University through SFS.
Spiritual formation occurs for me by being attentive to the Spirit as a wife, caregiver, stepmom, Oma, friend – in
family and community. Sources of joy also include my canine companion, learning and empowering, creative expression, the outdoors and nature.
Areas of interest or specialty: Spiritual formation, transition, leadership; inner healing, shadow integration,
Ignatian Spirituality, discernment, contemplative prayer, spiritual direction supervision.