Beyond Words®

Reflections on the Soul of Leadership

Written by Ruth Haley Barton, each reflection provides spiritual guidance and encouragement for those seeking to be in God for the world.

Becoming More

The Future of Christian Spirituality: Part 4 | A More Welcoming Stance from a Rooted Depth

By Ruth Haley Barton |

“I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” —Jesus As I journeyed with my desire and with a good spiritual director, something else was happening, too. Wrestling with my tradition…

Becoming More

The Future of Christian Spirituality: Part 3 | A Spirituality that is Practice-Oriented and Practice-Based

By Ruth Haley Barton |

“We do not know God by thinking, but by encountering.” –John of the Cross As my director and I transitioned into a new kind of relationship I was still thinking…

My Words Can’t Carry All the Praise

By Ruth Haley Barton |

Editors Note: The poems of Pastor Ted Loder have accompanied us on many Transforming Center retreats, guiding us into moments…

Transforming Worship

Transformational Worship: Encountering God in Ways that Change Us

By Rory Noland |

Editor’s Note: Rory Noland is a composer and songwriter who has joined the Transforming Center team to help us continue…

Releasing Ourselves to God: A Leader’s Invitation to Solitude and Silence

By Ruth Haley Barton |

Editor’s note: The following article is adapted from Dallas Willard’s forward to Invitation to Solitude and Silence (Ruth Haley Barton,…

The Lenten Way: Following Christ in Death and in Life

By Ruth Haley Barton |

“Lent is a time of returning to God. It is a time to confess how we keep looking for joy,…

From Desire to Discipline

By Ruth Haley Barton |

Editor’s Note: The Transforming Center takes very seriously its mission to equip leaders to guide their churches in becoming spiritually…

Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership

By Ruth Haley Barton |

“For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world and forfeit their soul?” —Jesus Recently, I made…

Solitude: A Place for Your Soul to Come Out

Solitude: A Place for Your Soul to Come Out

By Ruth Haley Barton |

Solitude may be one of the greatest challenges for Christian leaders because we have this sense that everyone is waiting for us to come in and do what we can do. Solitude offers leaders a concrete way that God can come and do what only God can do—in our lives personally and also in our ministries.

Discerning God’s Will Together: Discovering a Process of Leadership Discernment

By Ruth Haley Barton |

It was a conversation similar to many I have had with Christian leaders. A pastor from a large church was…


Pay attention to the soul of your leadership with a FREE series written by Ruth Haley Barton

  • Reflections written for spiritual leaders delivered over 4 weeks each Saturday morning
  • Includes guidance to listen to what your soul wants to say to God and what God wants to say to your soul
  • Every reflection includes a recording by Ruth that goes deeper into topic.
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