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Past Online Oasis Events

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Spiritual Direction: An Essential Practice for Transforming Leaders

Discover why spiritual direction is an essential practice for leaders and how to find a director.

In this online event lead by Ruth Haley Barton, you will...

  • Learn what distinguishes spiritual direction from counseling, coaching, mentoring, and discipling.
  • Discover what to look for in a spiritual director and and how to begin searching for the right director for you.
  • Assess your readiness for spiritual direction OR assess when it might be time for a change regarding your current director.
  • Reflect on obstacles and resistance to spiritual direction.

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When the Road Gets Dark and Dim: Navigating the Dark Night, Depression, and Grief on the Spiritual Journey

Dr. Bob Watson, a licensed clinical psychologist who teaches in our Transforming Community experience, joins Ruth to explore the differences and the overlaps between the dark night of the soul, depression, and grief.

Whether you are wondering for yourself, for someone you love, or someone you are accompanying, this conversation will:

  • Equip you to discern what is really going on.
  • Help you learn how to welcome God’s presence into each of these aspects of the spiritual journey.
  • Guide you in identifying the appropriate resources for each of these experiences.

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Recalibrate: Arrange your Life for Spiritual Transformation

We all have a rule of life whether we realize it or not—a pattern of habits, practices, relationships and priorities that shape us over time. The only question is whether it is intentional enough towards what we most deeply want for ourselves and others.

A rule of life provides structure that enables us to arrange our lives for what we say we really want. It responds to these two questions: “Who do I want to be? How do I want to live?” and “How do I want to live so I can be who I want to be?”

If you don’t have a rule of life, you will receive guidance for how to create one. If you do have a rule of life, this will be an opportunity to re-assess and make adjustments for the season ahead.

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