Pursuing God’s Will Together DISCERNMENT RETREAT

Does your leadership group have spiritual practices for discerning God's will together?

Many Christian leaders long to know they are discerning and doing the will of God as leaders. They wonder if there’s a trusted method for discerning God’s will together. The event based on the book, Pursuing God’s Will Together: A Discernment Practice for Leadership Groups, will help your team together learn and practice how to become a community of discernment.

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Pursuing God's Will Together

The goal of this immersion experience is to equip and empower pastors and Christian leaders to guide their churches and organizations to become communities that discern and do the will of God.

Team Practice

of the disciplines associated with corporate leadership

Teaching and Shared Learning

to help your team learn how to practice corporate leadership discernment

Time and Space

for personal reflection and important conversations you haven’t had time for

Get the book for your team.

Special offer from our publishing partner InterVarsity Press. Use code 40IVP22 for 40% off and free US shipping.

who it's for

Designed for those currently in senior leadership roles

  • Senior pastors/clergy
  • Executive pastors
  • Members of your church’s decision-making body
    (elders, deacons, vestry, session, consistory)
  • Executive leaders of Christian organizations
  • Denominational leaders

This retreat is designed for teams, so plan to bring at least 2-3 of your key leaders and maximize the impact of this experience.



Register your team before June 1, 2022 and save $100 per person.

What You'll Receive

  • This unique experience for your team in which you will find rest, receive spiritual nourishment, and savor extended time to listen to God and each other
  • Teaching on discernment that is rooted in Scripture and the best of our Christian tradition, made practical and accessible for today’s churches and communities
  • Opportunities for your group to practice and receive guidance in the how-tos of corporate leadership discernment
  • Includes 5 meals, light refreshments during the breaks, and an evening reception on the second night.
  • Your registration fee includes 2 nights stay at the retreat center, however, we encourage you to consider staying an extra night for expanded time with your team.

Featuring Ruth Haley Barton

and the transforming center team

Ruth has been a student, practitioner, teacher and leader in the area of Christian spirituality and spiritual formation for over twenty years. Her teachings on corporate leadership discernment have emerged from over 15 years of cultivating the Transforming Center as a community for discernment; she consults frequently with churches and organizations seeking to become transforming communities that discern and do the will of God. A trained spiritual director and retreat leader, Ruth is the author of numerous books and resources on the spiritual life.

“One great need of the Church today is to experience the dynamic leadership of Christ as its Head. If Christ is alive, he desires to lead his Church. If Christ desires to lead his Church, his will should be sought. If his will can be sought, it can be discerned; and if it can be discerned, it deserves to be obeyed. This is nothing more than the basic Christian life.”
– Dr. Paul Anderson, George Fox University

Retreat Schedule


12:00 PM  – Arrival and Check-in (lunch on your own)
1:00   PM  Session 1 ~ Discernment: The Heart of Spiritual Leadership and
                      Session 2 ~ Learning to See: Reflections on John 9
3:00   PM  – Break
3:30   PM  Session 3 ~ Spiritual Transformation: Prerequisite to Discernment
5:00   PM  Evening Prayer
5:30   PM Break
6:00   PM Dinner in teams
7:30   PM Session 4 ~ Leaders Who Practice Personal Discernment
9:00   PM Night Prayer/Great Silence


6:30-8:00   AM  – Breakfast
8:00   AM Morning Prayer
8:30   AM  Session 5 ~ Conversion to Community: Values and Practices for Opening to God Together
10:00 AM  Break and Personal Reflection
10:30 AM  Session 6 ~ A Covenant that Protects Community
12:15 PM  Midday Prayer
12:30 PM  Lunch and discussion in teams
1:30   PM Solitude, Rest, and Refreshment
5:30  PM  Evening Prayer
6:00  PM  Dinner and guided conversation with your team
7:00  PM  Session 7 ~ Get Ready: Making the Necessary Preparations
9:30  PM  Night Prayer


6:30-8:00 AM  – Breakfast
8:00   AM  – Morning Prayer
8:30   AM  – Session 8 ~ Get Set: Crossing the Threshold from Decision-Making to Discernment
10:00 AM  – Break
10:30 AM  – Session 9 ~ Go: Discerning God’s Will Together   
12:00 PM  – Midday Prayer
12:15  PM  – Lunch in silence — Listening to God
1:30    PM  – Session 10 ~ Where Do We Go from Here?
3:30   PM – Departure


Based on the Bestselling Book

Pursuing God's Will Together: A Discernment Practice for Leadership Groups

Church boards and other Christian leadership teams have long relied on models adapted from the business world to make decisions. In this book, trained spiritual director and nonprofit leader Ruth Haley Barton helps teams transition to a much more fitting model—becoming spiritual communities that practice discernment together.

The book includes a substantive biblical and theological reflection on corporate discernment, a step-by-step guidance for your group, personal reflection questions throughout, and group practices at the end of each chapter. The Discernment Summit puts all of this into practice—and trains teams in real time for this corporate spiritual work.